You received a medical diagnosis. Next, your doctor told you to change your lifestyle or diet. You were likely given brief instructions and handed a stack of paperwork. Medical jargon is confusing. The thought of burdening our family with health news can be overwhelming too. And changing your diet and habits is hard! What now?

You deserve someone that will walk beside you and help you navigate your doctor's orders. Your goal is to achieve your personal best health considering your diagnosis. But where can you turn? Who can you call to help you interpret and then follow through on doctor's orders?
Have you heard of a Certified Functional Nutritionist? It's what I do! I look at your lab results, medical history and your health goals. Then I build you a custom eating, exercise and mindfulness plan . I recommend foods that can soothe and even reverse some health issues. I share inforamtion about supplements and vitamins so you can discuss those with your doctor. I also help you add activities to develop physical and spiritual wellness and mental toughness, through counseling and accountability challenges. First, you will learn what to do. But how will you be sure to do it?
You may also need to add a certified health coach for your health journey! I am a Certified Health and Life coach too! Even if you know what to do and eat so that your body functions as best it can, but you still don't do it! It is so common! People know what to do but they have a hard time changing. This is because habits are hard to break without a plan, structure and accountability. Check-ins can be done through Zoom, text, phone and in-person, providing multiple layers of assistance throughout your week. You get reminders and challenges that hold you accountable.You can make healthy habit changes!
Ask yourself: What do I need to improve my health? Here are the most common answers. Information. Tools. Guidance. Structure. Prioritization of time. Then ask yourself what you are waiting for. If you are waiting for a nudge from the Universe, this is it! Begin to put your health first and make changes. Improved health is an investment that pays dividends. It is time.